Events Gallery

9th Meeting of PAFDA board (3-3-2025)

The Punjab Agriculture, Food and Drug Authority (PAFDA) and the University of the Punjab have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a collaborative framework for a testing agency.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony for the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)(17-12-2024)

8th Board meeting of PAFDA

Dr. Herman Barkema, Prof. of Epidemiology & Infectious Disease, University of Calgary, Canada visited PAFDA

A delegation from the Directorate General of Monitoring, Planning & Finance, and ECSP Punjab conducted an evaluation visit to PAFDA.

Visit of legal atache US Embassy at PAFDA

Dr. Talat Naseer Pasha, Director General of PAFDA, participated in an interview on the PTV program "Face to Face."

Prof. Dr Tallat Naseer Pasha

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Visited PAFDA

Chief Minister Punjuab Syed Mohsin Naqvi has Inagurated PAFDA (29-1-2024)

Visit of Technical Committee

Visit of ACS Home (28-11-2023)

CM Punjab Visited PAFDA (20-10-2023)

Meeting of Technical Committee (10-10-2023)

وزیراعلی پنجاب محسن نقوی کی زیر صدارت پنجاب ایگری کلچر، فوڈ اینڈ ڈرگ اتھارٹی کا اجلاس

Visit of Planning & Development team regarding the revision of PC-I of PAFDA

Additional Chief Secretary Home is presiding over the meeting regarding PAFDA

Meeting of PAFDA's Technical Committee (19-7-2023)

Caretaker CM Punajb Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi Visited PAFDA 1-6-2023

Chief Minister and Chief Secretary Visited PAFDA

Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) home, visited PAFDA

Meeting of the Technical Committee of PAFDA

Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform visited PAFDA

Meeting of the Technical Committee of PAFDA (21-3-2022)

Inaguration of Training Lab by the Honourable Chief Minister of the Punjab

Chairman and DG Punjab Food Authority (PAFDA)

Visit of CEO, Punjab Board of Investment and Trade

Latest Pictures of Site 20-8-2021

Secretary INC Ahsan Bhutta Visited PAFDA

Main Building (B1) Main Building (B1) Main Building (B1) Main Building (B1)
Site Picture Site Picture2 Security Guard Post (B1) NAB Wall Side
PFSA/PAFDA Wall Side Multan Road Side Boundry Wall Cup Building