Need of PAFDA Labs
Need/Justification of PAFDA Lab
Current issues in food, drugs and agriculture input raised the need of state of art, international level laboratory on the pattern of FDA USA, Korea and Punjab Forensic Science Agency, Lahore, equipped with highly sophisticated equipment, advanced testing facilities, well trained & specialized scientists, unified cross testing, updated quality management system (QMS), standard operating procedures (SOP's) and safety manuals etc. The idea turns to establishment of Punjab Agriculture, Food and Drug Authority (PAFDA) to provide world class facility with highest standards of professionalism, integrity and neutrality to ensure availability of quality medicines, food, pesticides and fertilizers to the public at par with any advanced country in the world. Most of important there is a real need of time to establish a lab like PAFDA which shall also contribute in revenue generation for economy by enhancing exports of raw and processed food.